A week in Tweets: 7-13 Feb 2010

And it’s back with another collection of Tweets and links, usual categories, usual mixtures, usual ‘Read more…’ link:

Enterprise-architecture, business-architecture and various matters around business in general:

  • oscarberg: RT @EskoKilpi: From who I am to what I do, and back http://bit.ly/bn5yR9 > “Adam Smith is not helpful anymore” <brilliant!!
  • SAlhir: RT @silvercatalyst: Five Traits of an #agile enterprise. http://ow.ly/13qoL < #1 ‘Transparency’ #entarch – see also “Management: We’re all theboss”, Time Magazine, 2002, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1002204-1,00.html
  • SAlhir: A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation, and encourages perseverance. … // … In so doing, it transforms great talent into exceptional accomplishment.  // If corporate leaders and their acolytes are not slaves [servants] to some meritorious social purpose, … // … they run the risk of being enslaved by their own ignoble appetites. // An uplifting sense of purpose is more than an impetus for individual accomplishment, … // … it is also a necessary insurance policy against expediency and impropriety. // Hole in the Soul of Business: Only 20% of employees are truly engaged in their work – heart and soul (Gary Hamel) http://bit.ly/6SetLW
  • oscarberg: Smashing Silos – Encourage collaboration & do away with insular business units acting at cross-purposes http://kuex.us/7380 <useful and practical for #entarch #bizarch
  • DavidGurteen: The evolution of Cynefin over a decade http://bit.ly/bib7ch <useful piece of history for Cynefin buffs like me! 🙂
  • SAlhir: Simple does not necessarily mean Easy, and Complex does not necessarily mean Hard/Difficult. <note for #entarch #bizarch!
  • tetradian: <post> “Values-architecture 101” #entarch #bizarch #e20 http://bit.ly/drjclj #in
  • oscarberg: Being able to express yourself freely liberates your mind – no wonder Tayloristic managers are scared to death // Managers used to controlling employees’ time & presence feel totally disarmed when work is liberated from time & space
  • thoughttrans: @johnpolgreen @oscarberg attendance-based-pay is coming to an end. Value-based is what is next. <impact? #entarch #bizarch
  • greblhad: <post> The essential camp fire http://bit.ly/dyUXwI <quiet, insightful – Slow IT, perhaps? #entarch #e20 #storytelling
  • chrisdpotts: RT @mkrigsman: Gaining customer trust arises from linking marketing messages to genuine action << authenticity #scrmsummit
  • rettema: Saw a DEMO process simulation working. Nice results with only 10% of complexity in contrast to too many details in #EntArch approaches // In contrast to simulation, I achieve sufficient results for #EntArch decision making with linear programming in less time. // In June I present my quantitative approach of Enterprise Engineering for decision making on www.EOMAS.org and May CIAO doctoral consortium
  • chrisdpotts: @tetradian Extending an architecture model inwards from ‘whole-of-enterprise’ will always give a better result than extending it outwards. // Extending an architecture model outwards inherits a constrained way of thinking and will centered on the wrong thing.
  • tetradian: .@chrisdpotts “Extending arch-model in from ‘whole-enterprise’ will give better result than extending outward” – v.strongly agree // “Extending arch-model outwards inherits constrained way of thinking” – agree – eg. limits/dangers of IT-centric ‘EA’ // Extending EA inward vs outward is arch. equiv of deductive vs inductive reasoning – inductive assumptions create risks #entarch
  • adrianrcampbell: @greblhad EA includes BA irrespective of who actually does the BA and EA in an organisation #entarch #bizarch
  • greblhad: @adrianrcampbell @greblhad EA includes BA (…) #entarch #bizarch < I could not agree more, just wanted to understand others position…
  • greblhad: Working on capability models any experience, info, smpls, frmwks, ref.models you like to share? #entarch, #bizarch #togaf #soa
  • SAlhir: RT @Gauravonomics @lyndagratton: Encouraging a gift culture, where people give w/o expecting to receive, is the key to cooperation. // Leaders need 2 define the sandbox within which cooperation happens. Meaningful emergent behaviour w/o a sandbox is fantasy
  • greblhad: RT @greblhad: RT @ralph_ohr Business Model #Innovation – Strategy of Business Breakthroughs (PDF) http://bit.ly/cNGpN2 #BMI #bmgen #entarch
  • adrianrcampbell: #KM probably overlaps more with #bizarch today but in future more with Enterprise Architecture #entarch = #KM plus #TOGAF plus #ArchiMate
  • adrianrcampbell: Has anyone compared Business Motivation Model #BMM with Business Model Canvas #bmgen ? <not yet – good point.. will do.
  • oscarberg: RT @raesmaa: Why Ideas Are Core to Enterprise 2.0 http://bit.ly/d5bNs7 /by @bhc3 <but perhaps values come first? #entarch
  • AussiMike: Why business process management and complex event processing are converging http://ff.im/-fJtqY <useful summary from Joe McKendrick
  • business_design: Nice business model visualization by JAM of @rvandenhoff’s disruptive http://english.seats2meet.com/ http://post.ly/NDRv < #entarch #bizarch
  • business_design: Pencil in Thursday 29. April if you’re interested in #bmgen wkshp w/ @thinksmith @patrickpijl and me in #London
  • thoughttrans: RT @DocOnDev: If you want a process adopted, practice it. If you want a process ignored, document it <!! #entarch #bizarch
  • business_design: nice post by @Sundelin on ‘net working capital, inventory and business models’ http://bit.ly/946i9E #bmgen <useful and insightful business tutorial #bizarch
  • SAlhir: RT @GuyKawasaki: The art of metrics http://om.ly/fHVZ <‘actionable, accessible, auditable’ #entarch #bizarch (original HBR article “Entrepreneurs – beware of vanity metrics” http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2010/02/entrepreneurs_beware_of_vanity_metrics.html )
  • SAlhir: Whole-ness… essential RT @joegerstandt: whole people build whole organizations: http://bit.ly/55LdgI <another variant on the ‘business-anarchist’ theme
  • DavidGurteen: Avoiding reality in favour of a vision http://bit.ly/aW3Da1 /love @snowded thinking <depends what is meant by ‘vision’, though: Dave uses a much narrower marketing-oriented version than the enterprise-scale version I use
  • blomr: Working step-by-step, drilling down:Goals,business principles,application principles,development&sourcing principles, technology principles
  • thoughttrans: RT @sniukas The 10 worst mgmt theories of all time – BusinessWeek http://ow.ly/16doK <<and I’ve seen companies compete by using all of them
  • JohnPolgreen: RT @chrisdpotts @JohnPolgreen In #TOGAF 10 it may be best to clearly separate architecture from asset management.> useful discussion v10
  • JohnPolgreen: RT @chrisdpotts @aleksb6 BTW stakeholder conversations are better than stakeholder analysis. > this is why #TOFAF uses stakeholder reviews
  • JohnPolgreen: RT @aleksb6 @mcgoverntheory… any #CEO that allows #entarch to report to #IT should rethink that approach. > agree, whole of ent EA needed
  • greblhad: <post> Considering A near real-time ADM process: http://wp.me/p7ejN-7w #entarch #cio #TOGAF #bizarch
  • BillIves: Work Design Issues for HR in Enterprise 2.0 Context – @jonhusband http://bit.ly/ajNoV4 <important for #entarch #bizarch #e20
  • (via @DavidGurteen) Duffy: “Lumbering to extinction: the Taylorist office building” [PDF] <physical architecture and #entarch #bizarch #e20
  • RT @kvistgaard: “Information is easy to create but hard to trust. It is easy to spread but hard to control.” w article on i. ecomonix http://bit.ly/Ao970 <points to Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_economics – essential for #entarch #bizarch, especially re importance of _not_ attempting to treat information as physical-goods…
  • krismeukens: @tetradian’s “More on values-architecture” made me think of Einstein’s “Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler” #entarch
  • tetradian: @krismeukens many thanks re ‘values-architecture’ http://bit.ly/bNP2XU – in what ways? how could I improve the explanation, the message?
  • krismeukens: @tetradian simple needs to be all-embracing. That’s why the road to simple is tough, through iterations of cutting increasing complexity. //  A path towards all embracing simple is invisible afterwards, it is often not appreciated .  After all the end result is simple.
  • ralph_ohr: Co-creating unique value with customers, Prahalad and Ramaswamy 2004 (PDF) http://bit.ly/bDsgcd (via @johannabragge) #entarch
  • ralph_ohr: Forbes: Why great companies fail http://bit.ly/dhtjHq <the core ‘why’ is the key of the #entarch – loss causes failure
  • (via @richardveryard) ‘Obliquity’: “the most profitable companies are not the most profit-oriented” http://tinyurl.com/yebotqh #entarch
  • SAlhir: RT @briansolis: Championing Change from Within http://bit.ly/95lh3g <essential soft-skills for #entarch #bizarch #e20
  • SAlhir: RT @GrahamHill: Word of Mouth from non-loyal customers has the biggest impact on sales by @fgossieaux http://tinyurl.com/y9zngh5 <importance of strategic links into extended-enterprise beyond existing transaction-economy relationships
  • greblhad: the #1 misconception and #1 cause of failure in #entarch: have  solution projects do architecture when they should do design // it’s the #2misconception and a #2 cause of failure in #entarch to have architecture projects do solutions when they should do architecture // it’s the #3 misconception and a #3 cause of failure in #entarch to have people promoted to architects and sent on missions unprepared // the #4 misconception and #4 cause of failure in #entarch: act as if the architecture can never be complete for the enterprise // the #5 misconception and #5 cause of failure in #entarch: get stuck in complexity instead of embracing simplicity
  • SAlhir: Big Company disease: “pervasive hubris and arrogance”, It’s Not the Crisis; It’s How You Respond to It http://bit.ly/bKtTWv <re Toyota’s handling of its vehicle-recall problem
  • SAlhir: Google Buzz: Purpose, not product. http://bit.ly/c4I3jQ Back to the Smart Growth Manifesto. http://bit.ly/bUCbnf (per @umairh) <a lot to follow through in Umair Haque’s writings, but worth the effort
  • jdevoo: RT @valdiskrebs: I call it “closing triangles”, Wayne Baker & David Obstfeld call it the “union strategy” — http://bit.ly/b9TZE1 <“Social Capital By Design: Structures, Strategies and Institutional Context” – long article but solid theory for #entarch etc

A brief discussion on time-spans in enterprise-architectures:

  • chrisdpotts: The longer the time horizon for an EA design, the less it can be about technology (as we do not know what tech will exist).
  • bergmart: One of insights of #dyadag: business thinks in 3-6 month cycles, projects have 1-2 year cycle, systems have 10-20 year cycle. // Major changes in systems landscapes take 5-15 years. Management need to be aware of this.  #dyadag <#itarch #entarch
  • pauljansen: @tetradian From now on: “Major changes in systems landscapes will have 2 take far less then 5 years. Management need to be aware of this.”
  • jim_brewer: @tetradian A frnd said after a PSoft plng mtg, Did they just say wht product features in 10 years? Might have chips in our brains by then..
  • rettema: @pauljansen @tetradian regard the notion of a rolling benefit horizon in #EntArch, 5-15 years of a rolling benefit horizon is more feasible.

A brief discussion about TOGAF as ‘crowdsourced’ architecture:

  • greblhad: Optimally used #TOGAF is crowdsourcing of ideas in need of an enterprise architecture. <agree #entarch
  • JohnPolgreen: @greblhad What is more important about #TOGAF now? the ADM process? providing a common vocabulary? a basic framework that is tailorable?
  • greblhad: @JohnPolgreen I would say that the most important thing would be an official sample that covers every part of the specification
  • JohnPolgreen: @greblhad Yes, an end-to-end example that covers all significant parts of the #TOGAF spec would be very helpful.
  • adrianrcampbell: @greblhad what is your definition of crowdsourcing?
  • greblhad: @adrianrcampbell leveraging as much of the whole of the human collective touched by the proposed change to the enterprise as possible

A rather longer discussion on whether and when an enterprise-architecture is ever complete:

  • JohnPolgreen: @chrisdpotts architecture per se is finished in #TOGAF ADM Phase D. In E&F, EAs act as consultants for portfolio mgt & migration planning.
  • JohnPolgreen: RT @aleksb6 @chrisdpotts @JohnPolgreen are architects are ever ‘finished’ in this ever-changing world? that makes them key part of asset mgt
  • chrisdpotts: @JohnPolgreen An EA’s role is about designing & influencing change. Once a change is done the architect’s involvement in it is finished.
  • tetradian: @chrisdpotts “”Once change is done, architect’s involvement in it finished” – only if you view EA as project, but is continuing capability
  • thoughttrans: @tetradian @JohnPolgreen @aleksb6 @chrisdpotts architecture is living…ur role in it may have a start/end point… // ..start/end is not based on deliverable or time frame but on meeting value metrics.
  • chrisdpotts: @tetradian EA is a continuing capability, but it achieves its outcomes via changes.
  • chrisdpotts: @thoughttrans Agreed – value metrics are the end. Everything else the means.
  • chrisdpotts: @tetradian EA is a continuing capability, but change projects are how it influences reality.
  • EnterprisingA: RT @chrisdpotts: @tetradian EA is a continuing capability, but change projects are how it influences reality. <- Hallelujah
  • JohnPolgreen: @chrisdpotts doesn’t the architecture, post change, get baselined and go into change mgt (#TOGAF Phase H)? The #EntArch remains involved.
  • chrisdpotts: I agree, the unfreeze/change/freeze model does not work as an EA mindset. // @JohnPolgreen How much is TOGAF a framework for ongoing asset management rather than architecture? // Architecture (creating & changing structures) & asset management (exploiting & improving) are different specialist areas. // Asset managers consult architects eg when an improvement may affect the integrity of structure (appearance, performance, etc.) // It may be best to keep asset management and architecture separate due to potential conflicts of interest.
  • tetradian: @chrisdpotts @JohnPolgreen Asset-mgmt & EA are orthogonal: EA provides decision-support for asset-mgrs to make decisions #entarch
  • kdierc: RT @pauljansen Contrary to popular belief, change is a natural and infinite state, not a temporary movement. #entarch #change << true
  • JohnPolgreen: @chrisdpotts #TOGAF 9 remains an EA framework, but with better tools for supporting asset mgt than v8 – eg capability based planning.

Knowledge-management, narrative-knowledge and in-person collaboration:

  • DavidGurteen: Pursue the Goal Not the Method  http://bit.ly/daqFEU #KM <another insightful Chris Brogan piece
  • unorder: What is the difference between learning physics and being a physicists? Experience, practice, conversation, reflection. I say caring. <aligns with Labyrinth model of skills-development – only way through Dark Night is caring about the skill for its own sake
  • DavidGurteen: Checklists in KM http://bit.ly/9uk3uh #KM <another insightful post from Nick Milton – how to apply in #entarch? #bizarch?
  • greblhad: @tetradian RT @DavidGurteen: Checklists in KM http://bit.ly/9uk3uh #KM < chapter three [of book ‘The Checklist Manifesto’] on the master builder is amazingly like EA
  • unorder: New post on Anecdote. Leaders should tell a story to explain why http://www.anecdote.com.au/archives/2010/02/leaders_should.html <recommend #entarch #bizarch
  • SAlhir: RT @zenext: In authentic engagement, the community becomes author of its own future // Authentic community engagement is any community conversations that give a community the gift of faith in themselves // The more entitled people feel, the less engaged they become

‘Enterprise 2.0’, social-software and online collaboration:

  • craighepburn: [at #iStrategy Berlin] Interesting take from @michaeldonnelly that there is more value from fans earned rather than bought #socialmedia #istrategy // Coca cola launching a social media training workshop for employees after launching a “simple” policy on engagement // Great point @michaeldonnelly from coke that social networks are like new countries you must listen listen,listen before engaging // “don’t over complicate your concept” simplify your concept and launch early for customer feedback: #socialmedia absolutely! // Just hear the term “sneazers” in context of social media! Do they spread the viral 😉
  • craighepburn: This is a brilliant social networking video and this is why you need to be aware of your online reputation http://bit.ly/c31n1S #istrategy
  • greblhad: @oscarberg “You can use very small means to make a ‘dead’ online environment really interactive & social = ‘living'” – care to share the list?
  • oscarberg: @greblhad I use 2.0 principles & mechanisms when redesigning existing solutions: http://kuex.us/75e9 //  it’s really just about focusing on how information can flow, instead of focusing on features & destinations
  • oscarberg: My latest preso “Information Management Loves Enterprise 2.0” selected as Top pres. of the day on Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/marknadsstod/information-management-loves-enterprise-2-0
  • oscarberg: RT @raesmaa Reputation and Innovation http://bit.ly/ah8Rld /@innovate
  • getstoried: Awesome! – 3 free ways to monitor your name or brand on web. Short video walks thru steps – http://bit.ly/ccxsuI #brand #storytelling <practical and useful
  • SAlhir: RT @getViewsflow: Explicit vs Implicit Social Nets http://vf.cx/uqN #vf
  • oscarberg: Blogged: Interesting Enterprise 2.0 Readings – Week 6 2010 http://goo.gl/fb/E0H7

Society, culture, corporate social responsibility and the like:

  • (via JohnPolgreen) http://thewhuffiebank.org/ – interesting idea, not sure it makes sense to link to mainstream money-economy, though..
  • DavidGurteen: RT @Kirti: Zero rupee notes to counter bribery demands from corrupt officials in India: http://bit.ly/9yR2Rx <very interesting example of a real-world social-innovation #csr #culture
  • snowded: Brilliant lecture by J K Rowling Harvard Address, references Amnesty & poverty in contrast with achievement http://tr.im/NhHP <‘The Fringe Benefits of Failure & The Importance of Imagination’, video, June 2008 – still very relevant, of course
  • oscarberg: This is unbelievable: a large part of earth’s population are not allowed to speak their minds or read whatever they want <to me the only unbelievable part is that this fact is news to anyone… purported ‘possession’ of ‘The Truth’ is just one more inevitable facet of the possession-economy, after all… 🙁

Various technical matters, including technology-architecture:

  • greblhad: RT @JohanDenHaan For the one’s interested: nice discussion about Scrum (agile methodology) http://www.noop.nl/2010/02/in-defense-of-scrum-please-stop-pissing-on-it.html <useful discussion and references
  • davidriveroll: Applying Mathematics To Web Design http://bit.ly/aGSfob /cc @feedly <nice examples of use of Golden Mean, Fibonacci, sine-wave etc in web-designs
  • adrianrcampbell: SAP Modelling Handbook looks interesting. http://tinyurl.com/y9xudjh < #itarch, detail-level #entarch / #bizarch
  • AussiMike: Buzz Off !! RT @ginatrapani: how to do (almost) everything in Google Buzz, including turn it off http://bit.ly/bfQTQH
  • blomr: Just found http://wetransfer.com/ as a service between email and DropBox. Simple and free!
  • ProfilingPro: visit http://bit.ly/abjx7r to download “Stop Blaming the Software – Corporate Profiling for IT Project Success” as e-book #CIO #IT #ITFAIL
  • davidriveroll: Setting Aviary Free http://bit.ly/cL52Rz – GREAT!! Best online image & audio editing suite COMPLETELY FREE. Go create something & spread joy
  • kvistgaard: “Designing Information Technology Governance Processes” PDF, 12p, http://bit.ly/bwoYME

And some of the usual more-or-less-magical miscellany:

  • greblhad: The tools I use in my line of work all originate in the knowledge of myself. I can be no better than me as I serve you.
  • SAlhir: Transparency that is meaningful to others, which informs them re decisions and actions is good; otherwise it’s noise.
  • davidriveroll: En honor a mi sobrina perruna Akira, les comparto esta coleccion de fotos de trineos y perros de las nieves – http://bit.ly/b6DWV5 <Boston.com – lovely collection of 30 photos of sled-dogs and sledges in the snow, in many countries across the Northern hemisphere
  • greblhad: If you can’t draw the concept of it on a white board then it’s probably too complex or you simply don’t know how to do it.
  • ABC (Australia) The Massey Lectures: The Wayfinders – Why ancient science matters in the modern world http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bigideas/stories/2010/2810493.htm

“The Wayfinders is a profound celebration of the wonder of human genius and spirit as brought into being by culture.

The entire science of wayfinding is based on dead-reckoning. You only know where you are by knowing where you have been and how you got to where you are…that your position at any one time is determined solely on the basis of distance and direction travelled since leaving the last known point…If you took all of the genius that allowed us to put a man on the moon and applied it to an understanding of the ocean, what you would get is Polynesia.”

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