Our new book is out! – ‘Change-mapping: Connecting business tools to manage change‘. (‘Our’ because it was a collaborative effort between myself and designer Joseph Chittenden, who contributed not just the graphics and layout but much more besides… – huge …

On Change-mapping – books and more Read more »

It’s been good to see another review of my book ‘Changes – a business novel‘: (There’s a sizeable free-sample of the book on Leanpub: go to the home-page for the book, and then click on the ‘Read free sample’ button …

Review-interview on ‘Changes’ Read more »

I have at last found a viable workflow to produce e-books of my various books and blogposts, via Leanpub. There’s one significant constraint in this form of publishing: Leanpub uses Markdown text-files for input, which is a fair bit more limited …

Publishing Tetradian e-books via Leanpub Read more »

Most of the Yabbies novel is made up of story-fragments that in principle could come together in any sequence: we make sense of them in whatever way we choose. What follows is perhaps my favourite story-fragment, “Mishie’. (A gentle reminder …

Yabbies story-fragment: 'Mishie' Read more »

All right, I admit it: my novel Yabbies doesn’t say much about real-life yabbies. In fact they only put in one cameo appearance in the whole book: “Yabbies. Funny little things, all in their own world at the bottom of …

Yabbies – a bit of background Read more »

Happy to announce that I’ve at last gotten round to publishing my sort-of-novel Yabbies. Hooray! 🙂 (I perhaps ought to say ‘completed and published’, but as you’ll see, ‘completing’ isn’t quite the right word, since much of the content is …

Yabbies – a novel Read more »

I’ve just finished editing yet another book on enterprise-architecture, and set up its production via my Tetradian Books publishing setup. But you won’t see it on the site, and in fact it may never be published as such in its …

About the PEAF book Read more »

Okay, so that’s all of the Mythquake book-project. The chapters, in variously-complete condition, are as follows: Mythquake MQ-1: Everyday upsets MQ-2: The centre of the universe MQ-3: I am what I do MQ-4: Whoever you voted for… MQ-5: Money makes …

Mythquake book: What happens next? Read more »

The final section of the Mythquake book-project – a book I know I’ll now never complete, so I’m making it available for anyone who wants it. The previous chapter, ‘MQ-9: Possession‘, explored what will probably be the source of the most …

Mythquake: Aftershocks (‘Mythquake’ series) Read more »

More on the Mythquake book-project – a book I’d been trying to write for some ten years, but now recognise it’s time for me to hand it over to someone else (if anyone else wants it! 🙂 ) The previous chapter, …

MQ-9: Possession (‘Mythquake’ series) Read more »