One of the more challenging aspects of reaching so-called ‘retirement age’ is how much it refocusses attention towards one’s legacy rather than the new. There’s so darned much in my back-catalogue that still needs finishing before I run out of …

Decisions, decisions – and an anniversary Read more »

As with all small independents in just about any industry, my /our relationship with ‘the big boys’ in enterprise-architecture is, yeah, kinda ambivalent at best. It’s not just that they make the most noise, grabbing most of the attention and …

Big-consultancies and getting it right Read more »

Like all small independents in just about any industry, my relationship with ‘the big boys’ is ambivalent at best. All those big analyst-consultancies like Forrester or Gartner, the ratings-agencies like Moody’s or S&P, the big IT- or process-consultancies like IBM …

Big-consultancies and bridging the chasm Read more »

It’s another of those times where I don’t quite know whether to laugh, cry, be incensed, or what, so I guess I’ll have to settle for somewhere in between… This morning’s email brings me the usual guff from the mainstream …

Hoist by their own petard (again) Read more »

Most people will know that I’m passionate about enterprise-architecture, and about developing new capabilities in the enterprise-architecture disciplines. And I guess most people will know that it’s also my ‘paid-work’ profession. Most people will also know that I go out …

On consultancy, enterprise-architecture and playing fair Read more »