Services serve the needs of someone. Disservices purport to serve the needs of someone, but don’t – they either don’t work at all, or they serve someone else’s needs. Or desires. Or something of that kind, anyway. And therein lie …

Services and disservices – 5C: Social example (Media-examples 6-9) Read more »

Services serve the needs of someone. Disservices purport to serve the needs of someone, but don’t – they either don’t work at all, or they serve someone else’s needs. Or desires. Or something of that kind, anyway. And therein lie …

Services and disservices – 5B: Social example (Media-examples 1-5) Read more »

Services serve the needs of someone. Disservices purport to serve the needs of someone, but don’t – they either don’t work at all, or they serve someone else’s needs. Or desires. Or something of that kind, anyway. And therein lie …

Services and disservices – 5A: Social example (Introduction) Read more »

My post yesterday on “Annoyed at ‘Enterprise 2.0’” seemed to touch a nerve with quite a few folks – it’s had more responses and ‘twitter-play’ than all my other posts in the past month put together. 🙂 But although there …

The dangers of ‘term-hijack’ Read more »