Seems lots of people these days are writing about ‘the future of work’ – and even putting some of that thinking into practice, too. But is that thinking going anything like deep enough? Hmm… – not sure about that… So …

The future of work, and money Read more »

What do I mean, when I talk about ‘value-governance’ in an enterprise-architecture sense? In Enterprise Canvas, what does that ‘Value Governance’ cell represent? What do its services actually do, for the service, the organisation and the overall enterprise? This one’s for …

On value-governance Read more »

If you want to understand the difference between price and value, look no further than the tragedy unfolding today in Glasgow: the Glasgow School of Art – Charles Rennie Mackintosh‘s great masterpiece of Art Nouveau – going up in flames. This Wikimedia photo gives …

Price, value and Glasgow School of Art Read more »

Is money the only possible form of profit? And if not, what does that imply for design of business-models? – and, beyond that, to economics itself? This is one that I’ve been struggling with, both personally and professionally, for a …

Business-models between for-profit and not-for-profit Read more »

Enterprise-architecture is dead; long live the architecture of the enterprise? Or something like that, anyway… Time for a kind of manifesto, I guess? As is perhaps too usual in my writing, the full-length version of the ‘manifesto’ ended up, uh, kinda long… …

A kind of manifesto (short version) Read more »

Enterprise-architecture is dead; long live the architecture of the enterprise? Or something like that, anyway… So, what next? Time for a kind of manifesto, I guess? At the least, time for a fairly major paradigm-change in how we view the …

A kind of manifesto Read more »

Pray let me introduce you to a bleak, blunt fact of the futurist’s working-life: …where futurists work ain’t where the money is. In this so-called ‘economy’, where money drives everything and short-termism rules the roost, there’s almost no way to …

I’m sorry, but I just can’t afford it Read more »