What is a cult? What is it that underpins a cult? From where do cults gain their power? And how do the same principles apply within organisations? Over on Twitter, Mel Conway (of ‘Conway’s Law‘) asked this question: We all …

On cults Read more »

New books, new strategy, new location, for a new decade: that’s me. And with it, big changes coming up for me, all within the first half of the coming year. In late January, there’ll be the launch of the first …

Changes coming Read more »

What is power? Where does it come from? Where does it go? Who has it? Who doesn’t have it? Who should have it? Who shouldn’t have it? And why? – or why not, for that matter – to any of those questions…? Perennial questions indeed, in just about …

On power Read more »

For digital-transformation, what’s the difference between ‘push’ and ‘pull’? And where and how does enterprise-story come into the picture? At first, these questions might seem more about marketing and suchlike than about ‘digital’ as such – yet the reality is …

Push or pull? – two views of enterprise Read more »

What the heck is ‘enterprise-architecture’? Why are there are so many arguments on this, so many conflicting opinions? Perhaps a key clue is in the fact that there is so much argument about this? And that maybe the best way to …

What is enterprise? What is architecture? Read more »

Beyond money. It’s how most of us already run the economics of our own households. It’s how most of us already run most of our day-to-day interactions at work. It’s how perhaps most of us would already aim to interact …

RBPEA: How to build a world beyond money Read more »

In the previous two posts in this series on background behind futures for enterprise-architecture (see video), we explored the idea of a focus on value, rather than money, as the anchor for our architectures; and then set out to imagine a world …

RBPEA: Why imagine a world beyond money Read more »

After the previous post, we’re left with a question to explore: Does money really make the world go round? Or would our world actually be better without it? Let’s put it to the test… We know already that money doesn’t …

RBPEA: Imagine a world beyond money Read more »

As enterprise-architecture expands outward (see video) to a much broader scope and scale (see video), we’ll need a different kind of anchor for the architecture itself: less on means such as IT or money, more on aims, ends and purpose. In short, a …

RBPEA: A taste for value Read more »

What exactly is ‘the enterprise’ in enterprise-architecture? To what extent is that enterprise a shared-enterprise? And how does this affect enterprise-architecture itself? These questions have come up a lot in the past few weeks, in back-and-forth conversations on LinkedIn and elsewhere. The …

On ‘shared-enterprise’ Read more »