What happened to Soul Dynamics?

Colleagues in Australia might know me best by my website of the past four years, ‘Soul Dynamics’. The name was the brainchild of my former business-partner Elizabeth Hagiefremidis, and whilst it does indicate something of the kind of work on whole-of-organisation integration that we did with organisations such as Victoria Police and ANZ Bank, the word ‘soul’ still frightens off most business-folk, and caused us to have to do a lot of careful explanation every time we met a new client. In short, whilst it was a good idea, it didn’t work well in practice.

Elizabeth and I went our separate ways a few months back, Elizabeth to concentrate on her main field of marketing strategy, as BWP Consulting, and me to focus more on the ‘big-picture’ issues of enterprise-architecture and whole-of-organisation integration. So I took the opportunity to change the business name to emphasise the four-axis ‘tetradian’ that underpins the models and frameworks that I use. Hence the new name: Tetradian.

The principles behind Soul Dynamics – the dynamics of the organisation’s ‘soul’, underlying the overall effectiveness of each organisation – are still there, of course. But to me the change of name is a breath of fresh air which opens new doors and new possibilities, and more accurately reflects the work that I actually do for large organisations. Your comments, perhaps?

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