Despite my previous worries, my current clients have given me the go-ahead to go to the TOGAF Paris conference anyway – much appreciated, though it should be a win/win all round.

Working title is

“Unpacking ‘Phase B’: Business Architecture, Business Transformation and Business Buy-In”

(‘Phase B’ being the rather thin section on business-architecture in the TOGAF methodology).

Summary is as follows:

“Given enterprise-architecture’s IT heritage, it’s not surprising that most EA attention is still focussed on technology, applications and data. But without a strong integration to business-architecture, we have no business buy-in – and, soon, no business support. Using examples from a variety of business-transformation projects in Australia and elsewhere, this presentation explores what works, and what doesn’t, in creating that integration – and illustrates one possible way toward a broader-based enterprise-architecture.”

The ‘one possible way toward a broader-based enterprise-architecture’ will essentially be a very stripped-down summary of the methodology I’m describing in the new book. Which is coming on well, despite last week’s merry blue-screen-of-death hiatus: I’m actually slightly ahead of schedule, just starting Chapter 18 or, to put it another way, the middle chapter in the fourth out of five sections. Sanity-permitting, I’ve a good chance to have the first draft complete by the end of next week: let me know if you’d like to review it for me then.

2 Comments on “More TOGAF

  1. Hello Tom,

    Check out and to get to the corner of Cavill Ave and Liverpool Rd, Ashfield. Turn right out of turnstiles, go up to Liverpool Rd and walk two blocks to Cavill Ave. There are two buidlings, go to one on the right hand side.

    You are to go to the security desk at 9am, I will meet you there at 8.45am.



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