‘Eureka!’ script published

Book-cover for ‘Eureka!’

I’ve now published my sort-of film-script ‘Eureka!‘ in book-form – see the Tetradian Books website here for the book-info, and here for the free-download PDF e-book.

Set in the Australian 1850s goldfields (mostly), it’s best described as a comedy/satire about all the fuss and hype around the 150th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade (1854, hence 2004), with a few (well, more than a few…) digs at present-day Australia politics and society.

Pure vanity-publishing, I know – but I spent at least six months writing the script, and probably much the same on the follow-up, so it seems worthwhile to get something tangible out of all that work! Don’t worry, I don’t ever expect to sell any, but they should make good visiting-presents or some such. 🙂

Gotta have some fun somewhen, ain’t I?

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