A week in Tweets: 15-21 Nov 09

Back with another stack of Tweets and links – not quite as many as last week. More after the ‘Read more…’ link, anyway.

As usual, start with enterprise-architecture and business-architecture:

  • agueeva: Paul Graham: over-engineering != extra work 4 extra credit. Its more like telling a lie that you have to remember so you dont contradict it
  • greblhad: Traditional #entarch the work was verry large and slow, today’s small, lean and rapidly decending on producing effects for the business
  • rlimbanda: RT @enterprisearchs Richard Veryard “A Job Description for Systems Thinking” http://bit.ly/2SwmG <also #entarch – recommend
  • EnterprisingA: Viewing world only from a data centric perspective is as limiting and misleading as viewing it solely from service viewpoint. Get holistic!
  • EnterprisingA: Blogging Part 1 of EA Quick Start Guide, How (not) to set up an EA Practice http://bit.ly/2zsxTq <v.recommend!
  • EnterprisingA: #EAMantra (11) Failing to deliver perfection is not a crime. Failing to deliver is. <yes!!! // #EAMantra (12) If you know it is the right architectural choice, add it to your architecture. If you think you know it is, add that too. // #EAMantra(13) Plan EA in days and weeks not months and years // #EAMantra (14) A good architecture is like a Bonsai tree. Growing it is the easy part; the real art lies in the pruning.
  • hebsgaard: What Is The Market’s Intent? http://tinyurl.com/yfoctxr <‘Intention Economy’ – v.important for #entarch, bus-arch etc
  • Gustaf Brandberg: Banking 2.0 http://www.slideshare.net/TietoSweden/bank-20-conference-gustaf-brandberg
  • hebsgaard: Lee Bryant: Leadership is not obsolete in the networked world http://tinyurl.com/yj6skmc
  • EnterprisingA: RT @PeterKretzman “Complexity isn’t simple: multiple causes of IT failure” http://bit.ly/4bJ2Ba #cio #itfail <social-complexity drives unneeded technical-complexity
  • thoughttrans: Find the person of influence in the business community without a title <usually they’re key generalists
  • hebsgaard: RT @chrisbrogan: Some of @stoweboyd ‘s best writing ever. About social business –  http://bit.ly/3RPsvV
  • JohnPolgreen: RT@totalcio We need to change to small A for administration and a big M for mission. (heard at meeting)
  • thoughttrans: Even grand, high level, blue sky strategies can be broken down into manageable implementable pieces <not ‘can’, must be!
  • kdierc: RT @bmichelson new post: elemental links: Enterprise Architects as Daydream Believers http://bit.ly/lYtUc
  • miket0181: RT @_Antonella_: Definitely worth checking – Trendwatching “10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2010” http://bit.ly/XKaXN <the ever-interesting TrendWatch site
  • greblhad: RT @RosabethKanter “Circles of influence are replacing chains of command.” For thoughts on how, see my @HarvardBiz blog http://bit.ly/4umVLY
  • (via EnterprisingA): ‘Knowledge & Architecture’: useful discussion b/w @richardveryard & @EnterprisingA http://bit.ly/2puouZ #EAMantra
  • taotwit: T9 Guideline: Architecture Principles: A poor set of principles will quickly become disused, and the resultant … #TOGAF // …architectures, policies, and standards will appear arbitrary or self-serving, and thus lack credibility. #TOGAF
  • agueeva: Canada’s Department of National Defence has released its Architecture Framework on the Internet http://bit.ly/8Kr71f #entarch
  • hebsgaard: RT @InfowarMonitor: RT @NextGov: Electronic health records could be a deadly target during a cyberwar http://bit.ly/5zza92 #gov20 <interesting point…

Narrative-knowledge and person-to-person collaboration:

  • unorder: <new post> The role scripts play in finding stories http://bit.ly/U1LLa <narrative-knowledge
  • snowded: A new Video clip on innovation http://tr.im/FbWP Sorry about the viking boat, take it as irony not accuracy!
  • DavidGurteen: KM 3.0 ??? http://bit.ly/4DCUlj #KM <“focus on using existing knowledge to help people get their job done”
  • unorder: Dan Heath has a great little video (3 min) on why mission statements go wrong. Rang heaps of bells for me http://is.gd/501PU

Enterprise 2.0, social-software, social-media and other forms of online collaboration:

  • hebsgaard: Looking to the Past for Enterprise 2.0 Adoption Principles http://tinyurl.com/yh6vcds <as sociotechnical systems
  • oscarberg: RT @rickmans: Social Media ROI (32 cases) – http://su.pr/1Q3A3h
  • hebsgaard: RT @cheeky_geeky: What Does Innovative Social Engagement Look Like? http://post.ly/CgTr #gov20
  • hebsgaard: RT @opengovnews: #gov20 Knowledge Shared equals Power Squared: Source: Governing People http://url4.eu/lRfY
  • hebsgaard: RT @ddie: pls RT: Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge http://bit.ly/4lv4NC Free Culture Forum #egov
  • BillIves: RT @darwineco KM World Sessions: Fundamentals of Enterprise Search http://bit.ly/Z5FYD #kmw09
  • oscarberg: RT @ITSinsider: RT @yonster: E2.0 ppl – read this piece -> Why You Can’t Use Personal Technology at the Office http://bit.ly/2jmCcY <interesting illustration of the difference between level-3 ‘Best Practice’ and level-4 ‘Organisation Supports Individual  Difference’ on the SEMPER scale of ‘ability to do work’
  • hebsgaard: US Navy #SocialMedia Directory: A Great Idea http://tinyurl.com/ykonltm
  • oscarberg: What value does ambient awareness bring to a business? “internal” intelligence? #e20
  • oscarberg: Interactivity is a concept often misunderstood – Both parties must be able to act, not just one
  • oscarberg: RT @j4ngis @oscarberg So, one human being locked up in isolation is not a person? < social isolation will eventually kill you <<yeah, kinda know that one… 🙁
  • hebsgaard: RT @norwind: RT @tobyparkins: Essential reading: Social Media Explosion! http://ow.ly/DKUk
  • hebsgaard: There is no Enterprise 2.0, there is your Enterprise 2.0. #e20 http://tinyurl.com/y8jkvef <important for #entarch
  • craighepburn: Great Post RT @womarketing: 17 Key Differences Between Social Media and Traditional Marketing: http://tinyurl.com/mdmrnk <useful summary
  • craighhepburn: RT @geetarchurchy: Social media makes the traditional PR hierarchy obsolete: http://bit.ly/32jqiq #blogpimping #PR
  • oscarberg: Info is power and communication is how you use it – obviously social media leads to a big shift in power // Managers who do not start to share, communicate and interact more will undermine their own positions // Managers must add value by proving leadership. Just controlling what info goes up and down a hierarchy won’t do it
  • hebsgaard: Greg Lloyd: “Peter Drucker and Enterprise 2.0 | Drucker Centenary” http://tinyurl.com/ydp6da8 <recommend

TOGAF and technical-architecture:

  • AussiMike: @theopengroup Consider a stream within TOGAF for developing a comprehensive set of case studies (BOTH successful and unsuccessful)
  • hebsgaard: RT @Capgemini: [Tech Blog] Does Agile mean no Processes and no Governance? – two perceptions about agile…. http://ow.ly/16201E
  • theopengroup: RT @Getronics: Getronics White paper available for download – ITIL v3 and TOGAF 9 http://bit.ly/1uEYQK
  • mikejwalker: RT @rhudaur: Microsoft on “The New Efficiency”: Cost savings, productivity, innovations. http://tinyurl.com/ykt593t <nice, but uses phenomenal bandwidth, taking more than 15 minutes to get started! – someone needs to rethink their understanding of ‘efficiency’…
  • greblhad: Possible tactics of #TOGAF Building Blocks, #entarch: http://wp.me/p7ejN-6P
  • theopengroup: Spotted an error in TOGAF? Got a comment or suggestion? Submit a report here: http://ow.ly/D3Rl

A discussion between myself, Nigel Green (@taotwit) and others on using TOGAF at executive-board level:

  • taotwit: has anyone else extended TOGAF up to the boardroom? There’s a need for the ‘Storyboarding’ of high -level requirements for execs #TOGAF // EAs need to focus equally on method (e.g. TOGAF) and boardroom level communication to fight the ‘EA is dead’ brigade
  • tetradian: r @taotwit “anyone extend #TOGAF to the boardroom?” yes, I do, but embedded in a broader process w/out an explicit name… // …with execs I use #TOGAF as structure/process/governance for layered Vision/Role/Mission/Goal http://bit.ly/13xBGd
  • miket0181: @taotwit have you spoken to Mick Adams about board-room EA? // interesting that Ovum think EA is about multi-year “transformational IT projects”… // …and not a mechanism to portfolio manage 100s/1000s of agile business-led projects or a mechanism for business transformation
  • taotwit: @tetradian interesting, but I’m thinking more about an ‘Exec’ lens at various levels of detail across EA landscape that tell stories… // … that allow decision-makers to make accurate assessments of value being delivered and investment needed for the ‘enterprise’
  • tetradian: r @taotwit re TOGAF at exec-level: Vision/Role/Mission/Goal etc *is* “an Exec lens” to tell stories abt value & investment needed
  • gfriend: @tetradian says “Vision is the anchor”. I completely agree. Without it, all is powerless by comparison. #TOGAF http://bit.ly/13xBGd

Society and the broader view:

  • oscarberg: Deep inside, many of us know society, work and life will be radically changed coming years due to adoption of new technologies
  • noreenahertz: Support for my “Death of Gucci Capitalism” thesis from Luxury Brands Consultancy – interesting http://tiny.cc/n7IwF
  • tetradian: <post> “The strange joys of the anti-vacation” http://bit.ly/2N9aLU #entarch #society
  • ChristineArena: Naomi Klein on climate debt : Western world polluters v. developing world sufferers. Whose bill? http://bit.ly/KxRWO
  • tebbo: RT @agentgav “fears that capping emissions..would compel changes in the way Americans live” http://bit.ly/4NO9x #ClimateDarwinAwards <well, duh… it already compels changes in how we all live, why on earth do Americans believe that they alone could/should be immune? – scary indeed…
  • noreenahertz: Lionel Barber (FT ed) @alaindebotton Simon Schama&me discuss politics of business http://bit.ly/26bbxy <it’s a start, I guess, but a heck of a long way to go…

A discussion between myself and Christine Arena about an unfortunately arrogant and ageist article on Copenhagen and social change:

  • ChristineArena: It’s on. RT @alexsteffen @Worldchanging The Fire this Time: Copenhagen & the War for the Future http://bit.ly/4qtdI7
  • tetradian: RT @ChristineArena: RT @alexsteffen Copenhagen & the War for the Future http://bit.ly/4qtdI7 <good points, but an arrogant ageist twit…
  • ChristineArena: @tetradian But true for most part. RT @tetradian <good points, but arrogant & ageist RT @alexsteffen COP & War Future http://bit.ly/4qtdI7
  • tetradian: @ChristineArena is true, but has nothing to do with age – young ‘get’ the principle easily but have no grasp of its complexities… // …@alexsteffen’s dependence on ‘other-blame’ is classic *cause* of problem (avoidance of responsibility), not a solution!
  • ChristineArena: @tetradian @alexsteffen alludes to a documented generational gap in social and eco-awareness http://bit.ly/OJupK Leading to… // …A resentment sentiment. Many young people get it, and more have a grasp on eco than we think http://bit.ly/3IKQdS
  • tetradian: @ChristineArena maybe so (tho I doubt that it’s the *considered* awareness needed), but Steffen’s arrogance is (to me) utterly obnoxious.. // …classic Lesson 1: dont antagonise yr allies before you’ve even started! (and don’t wind up ‘supporters’ who cant deliver) //  v.big difference b/w awareness in feeling (classic ‘youth’) vs able to identify viable action for change (classic ‘elder’)
  • ChristineArena: @tetradian The level of eco activism around COP15 is unparalleled. It is a war for the future, no exaggeration.
  • tetradian: @ChristineArena I don’t doubt it’s “a war for the future” – I’m probably more extreme than most, I reject even the basis of the entire economy // As I see it, there is no way to make a possession-economy sustainable – only viable models are from ‘primitive’ societies // …can discuss this at length if you wish, but Twitter is not the place! 🙂
  • tetradian: @ChristineArena (key comparison is b/w possession-based economy vs responsibility-based [e.g. Aust aboriginal] … // …many/most would-be ‘eco-activists’ still try to cling to some form of possession-model, which still won’t/can’t work)
  • ChristineArena:  Agree. RT @tetradian @ChristineArena (key comparison is b/w possession-based economy vs responsibility-based [e.g. Aust aboriginal]
  • tetradian: e.g. money is a problem, but barter is an even more constrained form of possession – the core problem is possession itself
  • ChristineArena: @tetradian I love our Twitter debates! You teach me things, sir;) @ChristineArena …classic Lesson 1: don’t antagonise yr allies

The quirky, the strange, the interesting, the amusing, and sometimes the plain ordinary everyday useful – in other words, the ‘miscellaneous’ section:

  • rettema: emailed myself this morning, after bad sleep, to capture my thoughts about quantitative architecture. Bizarre e-Dreamcatcher..
  • craighepburn: RT @joyce_hostyn: (on Slideshare) Predictable Irrationality if you build what they ask for, they will not come http://bit.ly/1NKwLy #OTCW #ECM
  • oscarberg: RT @DavidGurteen: “We cannot problem solve our way into fundamental change, or transformation” http://bit.ly/2FwegW
  • oscarberg: “When people feel lonely they are far less accepting of potential new friends than when they are socially contented” http://bit.ly/41NmaZ
  • snowded: One of the best examples of self serving ignorance I have seen in a long time http://tr.im/F99B <“The Bible mandates free-market capitalism. It is anti-socialist.” – scary indeed in its carefully-selective vapid stupidity…
  • modera6072: Waves come from over the horizon – we don’t make them here!
  • modera6072: decisively is an adverb, how does one measure the workflow for a communal decision – in degrees of decisiveness?
  • ProfilingPro: Crowd Wisdom,  Mob mentality or Group Think attitude – the outcome will b the same  depending on the quality of people. Quantity not=Quality
  • oscarberg: RT @rickmans: don’t mind me, I am a luddite, but the new [Twitter] RT interface and implementation sucks. < agree. I prefer the old ways 🙂 // We mustn’t forget that resistance to change is good – makes us think twice & come up w something better // A change that doesn’t meet any resistance, is it really a change?
  • EnterprisingA: Thought for today: The next best thing is not the thing you are reading about today, but the thing you will be reading about tomorrow.
  • oscarberg: To save the environment, start with what you can do yourself & then continue with friends, neighborhood, work, society // RT @lammiia @oscarberg And Tiny changes incorporated to daily life worth more than Big changes that won’t survive a month

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