A week in Tweets: 16-22 May 2010

It’s that time of week again: another collection of Tweets and links. Usual categories (with a couple of extras this time), and the usual ‘Read more…’ link.

Enterprise architecture, business-architecture, business strategy and related businessy matters:

  • aojensen: http://bit.ly/9b1g4T < N. Malik: Doing Business without EA is like building a chain of “open” links. #entarch
  • SystemsWiki: 200+ models in free/open SystemsWiki Model Library, including Casual Loop, Stock & Flow and Simulation Models http://sn.im/v3aa0 <useful systems-theory resource, though more for hard-systems than soft-systems?
  • oscarberg: On quality: “Pare down to the essence but don’t remove the poetry” by @tomfishburne via @j4ngis http://bit.ly/99cqIW #entarch
  • alphalo: my thoughts on somatic economics http://bit.ly/b4jXOQ where somatic means relating to the body <org-diagnostics for #entarch?
  • business_design: Managing as Designing: Multiple models in architecture, prototyping, lessons for business http://bit.ly/brSFRS #bizarch <discussion with Frank Gehry & Partners – part of an excellent series of videos from one of the US business-schools – strong recommend
  • Cybersal: “Did we actually even think today?” @rtolido Interviewed by The Fifth Conference about Slow IT http://bit.ly/aCJ0Li #entarch
  • CreatvEmergence: Of course! 🙂 Fast Company Article: Most Important Leadership Quality is Creativity –  http://bit.ly/adAIvu <IBM survey of CEOs – relevant read for #entarch #bizarch etc
  • bartleeten: Simon Sinek: Start with why << great talk http://icio.us/ks1eyu <why (we do what we do) leads to how (we do what we do) leads to what (we do)
  • CreatvEmergence: You could not ask for a better co-creative partner than the Unknown: always giving, infinitely creative, just waiting to dance…
  • jdevoo: RT @johnthackara: What’s the difference between a vision and a plan? This is an excellent piece about Resilience Action Plans: http://tiny.cc/3uhre <also applies to #entarch etc
  • hebsgaard: The ‘Once-only’ tolerance principle for mistakes. http://tinyurl.com/23zygez <another great Nick Milton piece #km #entarch
  • business_design: Worked with @thinksmith on creating #BMGENx concept/content so you can run your own business model workshops w/material we supply… <a ‘Watch This Space’ item – BMGen (Business Model Generation) is one of the most useful tools currently available for #bizarch
  • unorder: RT @SirKenRobinson: I don’t think of the arts as subjects. or of any “subjects” as subjects.  It puts the focus too much on content not on process. // Disciplines is a better idea. Suggests process, concepts, techniques. Dance is a set of disciplines, so is math. #artsed <applies to architectures too #entarch #bizarch #itarch
  • business_design: We’re going to do the same w/ a Business Model Toolkit RT @sniukas: Panera invites customers to pay what they want http://ow.ly/1O1mG #NYT <highly relevant for #bizarch and #entarch – also gift-economy model shows that the money/possession-economics model is not always the best way to go?
  • rotkapchen: 3 things you’d not expect together: Enterprise Architecture, Design Thinking, Gartner [YouTube 2:11] http://twurl.nl/qnb4jc // Sudden sightings of ‘intellect’ at Gartner seem to correlate directly w/Burton purchase 🙂
  • davidcushman: @peggyanne: RT @Squace: The importance of the mobile phone to developing countries –  Conversations for a Better World http://ow.ly/1Odj0 <breaking West-centric assumptions about the internet etc #entarch #bizarch #itarch
  • CreatvEmergence: Huge qualitative difference between pre-journey simplicity and post-journey simplicity…
  • CreatvEmergence: RT @trueslant – 10 Psychology Studies from 2009 Worth Knowing About – Brainspin – http://bit.ly/7gtPPC < #bizarch etc
  • business_design: Nice contrarian view/research from #Wharton: How Group Dynamics May Be Killing Innovation: http://bit.ly/9ZD1vc (hat tip to Eric Shreurs) <describes useful ‘hybrid’ alternative to simple brainstorming-techniques
  • SAlhir: Happiness Framework: Three Types of Happiness: Pleasure, Passion, and Higher Purpose @dhbook @zappos http://is.gd/ckrOz <points to website for Martin Seligman, Univ Pennsylvania, with v.useful set of questionnaires on emotion, engagement, meaning and life-satisfaction in both personal-context and work-context
  • SAlhir: What is a futurist? http://is.gd/ckxJ0 < (is a useful overview, though a bit short on follow-up links)
  • thoughttrans: @tetradian what is a futurist? Lately…anyone that can think beyond the next stockholder meeting!

A discussion arising from a previous thread of mine on the idea that “the enterprise is a story”:

  • tetradian: <post> ‘If the enterprise is a story, what is its backstory?’ http://bit.ly/bpP25p #entarch #culture
  • chrisdpotts: @tetradian To be an enterprise is a journey, on which there are many stories.
  • tetradian: @chrisdpotts agreed – yet the journey itself is driven by a deeper story (the enterprise ‘vision’ etc), and it’s that story that I’m aiming at here
  • flowchainsensei: @tetradian Fallacy. Most journeys are drive by the core group(s) agenda. cf Art Kleiner.
  • tetradian: @flowchainsensei why fallacy? “the core group’s agenda” *is* a story, surely? // point is that “the core group’s agenda” is less likely to be a viable story long-term than enterprise-vision etc
  • flowchainsensei: @tetradian Oh, yes. But the (enterprise’s) avowed vision rarely if ever aligns with these (generally hidden) agenda(s).
  • tetradian: @flowchainsensei yup, for ‘organisation as enterprise’ – which is why vision needs to be drawn from extended-enterprise, not organisation
  • flowchainsensei: @tetradian Depends on how you’re using the term “viable” :}
  • tetradian: @flowchainsensei ‘viable’ as long-term effective: efficient, reliable, elegant, appropriate, integrated. Predatory profit ain’t viable long-term 🙂
  • flowchainsensei: @tetradian Agreed. Although precious little hope of that :{
  • tedtradian: @flowchainsensei “oh ye of little faith…” 🙂 Actually, I have done this in some orgs – it’s doable, and it does work
  • flowchainsensei: @tetradian Ah. Core group(s) agenda(s) generally more viable (long-lived, powerful, pervasive) than the attribs you cite. :{
  • kvistgaard: @tetradian @chrisdpotts Oh that’s nice. May be you two should write #entarch fables the way I see how good you are with metaphors.
  • tetradian: @kvistgaard try @greblhad http://enklare.wordpress.com/ – he really *does* write ‘#entarch fables’ 🙂
  • kvistgaard: Which reminds me of this nice speech ‘Metaphorically speaking’, by James Geary at TED – http://bit.ly/9319dm
  • chrisdpotts: @tetradian Stories (plural) about the journey ahead are different from ones about the journey so far. Scenarios vs memories // Best stories about the future (scenarios) are those written as if they are memories (i.e. in the past-tense) <useful technique known as ‘future-backwards’
  • chrisdpotts: @tetradian Not quite ‘future backwards’: each scenario is an outcome (in ‘present’ or ‘past’), with its story still told ‘forwards’
  • systhink: @tetradian Just read yr enterprise story-backstory after 2 am baby btl. Excellent wk! & Dramatica-ZIFA link v pwrful. Thx @flowchainsensei

Narrative-knowledge, knowledge-management and in-person collaboration:

  • unorder: New post on Origins by Terrence Gargiulo (@makingstories) Stories, Manipulation and Truthfulness http://bit.ly/abzg5W < #storytelling in business
  • (via @unorder) HBR: Spreading Critical Behaviors ‘Virally’ (organisational change) http://bit.ly/bLWBOP <informal vs formal training – e.g. ‘anecdote circles’ etc
  • CreatvEmergence: 10 Core Assumptions for the Creative Workplace (on my blog) – http://bit.ly/a6AaDH <nicely put – useful
  • unorder: An excellent post on storytelling by @victoriaward http://j.mp/dlp4yp #originsstory
  • oscarberg: Blogged: What every manager (and parent) should know http://goo.gl/fb/7MFTr <great summary of Daniel Pink’s book ‘Drive’
  • joyce_hostyn: interesting video that visually explains intrinsic motivation http://bit.ly/a69mhT #vizthink <#bizarch #entarch – references work by Dan Pink (Drive) and Dan Ariely (Predictably Irrational)
  • thoughttrans: Brilliant! RT @sniukas 23 Reasons Why Nothing Happens After a Brainstorming Session http://ow.ly/1O4xv
  • SAlhir: The Keys to Lasting Change http://is.gd/ckqQ6 <useful quick overview of Stephen Covey’s ‘7 Habits’ model

Social-media, ‘enterprise 2.0’ and on-line collaboration:

  • oscarberg: RT @cecildijoux: New Blog post #Hypertextual. Enterprise 2.0 : less control and more leadership. http://wp.me/p58hh-GW <agree
  • CreatvEmergence: Great points by @alphalo: Emergent online community building: “What I Learned from @VenessaMiemis” http://bit.ly/90unqr <applies also to #e20 #collaboration #narrative etc
  • oscarberg: Eventually, Enterprise 2.0 will simply be called Enterprise Collaboration // #e20 extends collaboration beyond teams, orgs & locations, enabling seamless collaboration within the enterprise <and should not assume any technology beyond the fact of contact between real people

IT-architecture, IT-systems and IT matters in general:

  • gleganza: ‘Future of EA’ blog by Jeff Scott http://ow.ly/1M1xR Love to hear your ideas. #EAfuture <my response? “this is IT, not EA..” – no grasp at all that EA scope extends far beyond IT – Forrester should be able to do better than this… 🙁
  • theopengroup: RT @xwarzee: 10 Key Skills Architects Must Have to Deliver Value by Mike Rosen – http://bit.ly/ae7CpX <long, and yet another standard IT-architecture-pretending-to-be-enterprise-architecture, but otherwise a useful list: inquire, integrate, analyze, conceptualize, abstract, visualize, formalize, communicate, enable, assist
  • rtolido: “so what do you do for a living?”. Well, this: an introduction to Capgemini’s Application Lifecycle Services http://bit.ly/c27SgS <very good example of practical IT-architecture

Society, culture, business-social-responsibility and related matters:

  • BillIves: RT @GautamGhosh: The Power of “Nonsexual Touching” By Women http://goo.gl/xsX7 > resonates with my experience <interesting business-oriented study about literally ‘being in contact’ – touch by women has positive impact, touch by men makes little difference [may be culture-specific]
  • greggvm: Great article by @getstoried! “(Lessons in Cultural Storytelling) The Looking Glass: Banksy & Mr. Brainwash” http://j.mp/aNshG4
  • CreatvEmergence: Purpose is the unifying principle in a creative emergence. <and also in enterprise-architectures #entarch
  • tetradian: <post> ‘MQ-7: Sugar And Spice’ (’Mythquake’ series) http://bit.ly/bNueYa #society #culture #change
  • alphalo: how do u align money with purpose, heart, community and spirit? // Can you make a lot of money whilst at the same time be helping to show people that money is an illusion? // Can you make a lot of money whilst helping humanity transition to a gift economy? <more to the point, can you make a living at all whilst doing so? – that’s the real dilemma here…
  • CreatvEmergence: The Empathic Civilisation http://youtu.be/l7AWnfFRc7g – Great visual presentation! We’re soft wired 4 connection (via @SheriHerndon) <from the RSA:animate series – visual description of a live presentation at the RSA in London

A culture-oriented thread on power and the like, that started from a question by Alpha Lo:

  • alphalo: the new male : what is beyond the macho jerk and the new age wimp? // how to be soft and gentle whilst standing in one’s full on power?
  • tetradian: @alphalo: “the new male … how to be soft and gentle whilst standing in one’s full on power?” – please beware of sexism here? // functional power: “power is the ability to do work” (where ‘work’ may be physical, mental, emotional, relational, spiritual etc) // dysfunctional ‘power’: “power is the ability to _avoid_ work” – the delusion that power may be ‘taken’ from others // abuse: any attempt to offload responsibility onto the Other w/o consent (also lose/win variant: take on responsibility w/o consent) // violence: any attempt to prop self up by putting Other down (also lose/win variant: prop Other up by putting self down) // in my experience, the non-violent non-abusive female is even rarer than the non-violent non-abusive male… 🙁
  • tetradian: @alphalo re how the same power-issues play out in the business-context, see ‘Manifesto’ at http://bit.ly/aet8a #entarch #bizarch
  • tetradian:  @alphalo most current (Western) feminism still urges women to become violent and/or abusive, in the mistaken belief that this is ‘power’ // most social, political and business models are still based on the delusion that violence and/or abuse is ‘power’ // finding our way past all of those mistaken models and mistaken concepts of power is the key problem we face right now
  • alphalo: how do u relate your primal animalistic power to your trancendent states: by suppressing, selectively applying, transmuting, or integrating?
  • alphalo: @tetradian what is your new model for what power looks like?
  • tetradian: @alphalo: “what is your new model for what power looks like?” – ans: “power is the ability to do work” – a) what is the work to be done? b) what are the ‘response-abilities’ needed to do that work? c) who has those responsibilities? how to create those abilities? d) how are those responsibilities shared around the respective context? (e.g. “from each according to their ability” etc) // none of this is hard once we recognise that power is the ability to *do* work, not the ability to avoid it!
  • alphalo: how do u relate your raw primal sexual nature with your transcendent states: by suppressing, selectively allowing, transmuting, or integrating?
  • tetradian: @alphalo: “how do u relate your raw primal sexual nature with your transcendent states?” at my age? – mostly by forgetting! 🙂
  • CreatvEmergence: @alphalo by yes-anding, transcending and including…
  • Veranderkunst: @tetradian Power is (not a theoretical choice:) the ability to *do* work BUT just as often (plain reality:) to *not do* work.
  • tetradian: @Veranderkunst depends what’s meant by ‘work’: in that specific case, the _decision_ to not-do work is itself the work that needs to be done // ‘ability to do work’ is physics defn of ‘work’ – but in human context ‘work’ takes many forms: physical mental emotional etc
  • Veranderkunst: @tetradian I was rather refering to the power of *sabotage*, either conscious or subconscious. Huge force …
  • tetradian: “I was rather refering to the power of *sabotage*” – ie. expression of ‘the ability to *avoid* work’ – ie. exactly what power *isn’t*

And the munificent miscellany:

  • thinksmith: Loving ‘The Economist’s “Thinking spaces”  > http://is.gd/ccQak – Thanks Eleni!!! <has been around for a while now, but always good to explore – the physical spaces various (mostly well-known) Economist readers go to do their thinking
  • davidcushman: RT @CEyres: This is hilarious! RT @prgeek @The_MediaBlog: PHOTO: You HAVE to love the US media’s grasp of geography: http://bit.ly/aXqBSH <this has to go down as a real classic example of ‘spot the deliberate mistake’? 🙂
  • taotwit: trying out http://www.4shared.com/ for free large file sharing <seems to be a larger version of DropBox (10Gb vs DropBox’s 3Gb), but public rather than private – worth checking-out?
  • Cybersal: Really nice animated extracts from some excellent talks at the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce here  http://bit.ly/aw5NTX <includes summaries of talks by Daniel Pink, Jeremy Rifkin and others
  • CreatvEmergence: Guilloche Pattern Generator – awesome!  http://bit.ly/afBYPH <kind of like an extreme online Spirograph – fun! 🙂

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