A week in Tweets: 20-26 June 2010

Getting close to catch-up, the previous week’s collection of Tweets and links. Usual categories, of course, plus a couple of extras this time.

Enterprise-architecture, business-architecture, business-strategy and the like:

  • Cybersal: “Complexity is the new reality” – 1 of 9 things you need to know about Internet by @jjn1 in today’s observer http://bit.ly/buiQ4k Brilliant. <long Guardian article providing useful overview – see esp. item 9, on intellectual property
  • Cybersal: Blog by British Airways CIO @PaulCoby on use of LEAN as enabler of change in an airline: http://bit.ly/bqr81e He’s asking for comments. <recommend for its view of whole-enterprise #entarch – “there should be no IT projects – only business projects”
  • taotwit: Revamped the 5Di site – http://bit.ly/cQUefl –  better reflects my current focus Simple Business Events Processing #sbep #vpect
  • unorder: RT @AStoriedCareer: #storytelling ‘A Company Without a Story Is Usually a Company Without a Strategy’ http://bit.ly/ai4FG9
  • aojensen: Integrating Luhmann’s theory of socio-communication and Enterprise Architecture. Excited. <interesting.. let us know more, please? #entarch
  • 5Di: FedEx & Internet of Things http://bit.ly/bm8tVEhttp://bit.ly/63lrqy #sbep using existing cellphone technology! #entarch #bizarch <very interesting – real applications of IoT creating new business-models etc – first link is Fedex intro, second is descriptive article on ReadWriteWeb
  • chrisdpotts: @thoughttrans shape=external boundary of structure.  Observer will discern pattern(s) of shape, or lack thereof. #entarch // Enterprise’s shape = messages & behaviors at its boundaries with the wider world. (#entarch often seems primarily interested in structure).
  • taotwit: @chrisdpotts : WRT messages & behaviors .. wider  wider world. (#entarch often seems primarily interested in structure). Agreed! // and focus on structure *over * Value Systems and desired Outcomes (internal or external) #entarch
  • thoughttrans: Mandatory Versus Choice: http://EzineArticles.com/4528445 <yes, tho for me problem is too many options, not too few.. 🙁
  • thoughttrans: Curiosity Trumps Knowledge http://bit.ly/98uzJR <“we can never know as much about the business as those that live it every day” #entarch
  • Cybersal: RT @eda__c Slidedeck from #irmeac conf now online: Visible #EntArch: Designing Enterprise-People #UX http://slidesha.re/9Oxcd9 <recommend for whole-of-enterprise #entarch #bizarch
  • SAlhir: RT @jorgebarba: The Six Secrets of Business Model Exploration (PDF) #innovation #strategy http://post.ly/kQIB #bmgen #bizarch
  • SAlhir: Purpose is a matter of life or death (per @jorgebarba Why purpose matters http://ow.ly/17PBCP) & Purposeful Enterprise http://is.gd/cZZfF
  • chrisdpotts: Innovation versus efficiency.  Only a zero-sum-game if you treat it like one (and if it isn’t, that’s usually a losing strategy). #CIO
  • chrisdpotts: RT @ColinBeveridge: RT @ClaireBoyles: You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Author Unknown #quote #entarch <ouch… good point…
  • SAlhir: It can be hard 2 believe an organization’s only goal is 2 encourage others 2 do good—but that really is Y we exist. http://www.values.com/
  • joyce_hostyn: RT @rotkapchen: Highly recommended: The Power of Pull Newsletters/Booklets (email required) http://twurl.nl/dgph75 Booklet 1: (cont) http://tl.gd/228nh2
  • craighepburn: RT @irina_guseva: RT @elreiss: The web is NOT about IT. Just because a book is printed on paper, it doesn’t mean Tolstoy was working for the lumber industry. <exact same applies to #entarch… not that you’d know it from what most ‘EAs’ say…
  • SAlhir: RT @tomschulte: What is The Business Case for Trust? http://su.pr/8viGqH <essential for #bizarch #entarch
  • chrisdpotts: @taotwit Gaudi’s architecture: fantastic.  But is it ‘best practice’?  #entarch
  • taotwit: @chrisdpotts  Certainly *not* – *best practice* is an ugly term used by consultants meaning what they have in the filing cab! #entarch // Why is it that that my hair stand on end when I hear *Best Practice* ? Often feels more an excuse to be sold something.
  • bartleeten: Any good pointers to Archimate extensions (requirements, project/program), timeline for inclusion within standard, tools? #archimate
  • kvistgaard: @bartleeten yes, I have some related mainly to motivation domain. Can send you a meta-model.
  • business_design: “income/revenues is an outcome of having customers” Patrick Stähler #BMIBerlin <a too-often forgotten fact in #bizarch? (cf. other article earlier today on ‘ROI of Trust’…)
  • kdierc: RT @krismeukens: Moving from Strategic Planning to Storytelling, excellent tactic for #entarch http://icio.us/zqx4sd <another solid piece on strategy by Roger Martin, doyen of design-thinking for business
  • 5Di: Where did  all the BAs go http://bit.ly/aJd1pB .. long time passing? “What happened to the fine art of business-analysis?” #vpect
  • thoughttrans: RT @scottwambler We can’t optimize the whole when we don’t know what the whole even is. It’s certainly more than software development. <Scott Ambler is one of the originators of the Agile movement in software development
  • basvg: blogpost: granularity of business functions in ArchiMate http://tinyurl.com/2ed4vln (comments more than welcome) #entarch
  • davidcushman: RT @jmacdonald: #mlove Softbank CEO when asked about 5 year plan says “actually I think in 300 year terms.” Holy cow… <hooray! someone in business actually thinking in terms of real #entarch!
  • ironick: GE Health: “Our goal is 2 create an alchemy combining the magic of science with empathy” http://bit.ly/ctw8C8 hybrid #designthinking via @PhilMcCreight
  • via @ironick: GE: ‘Brains over brawn’ (video) – nice example of #innovation and ‘trystorming’ in engineering http://bit.ly/9uAky1
  • business_design: A Business Model Innovator is a person who solves the puzzle of getting a customer’s job done in a new and (more) profitable manner
  • adrianrcampbell: For Business Dynamic Modelling/Systems Thinking check out the learning program “Insight Maker” at http://www.insightmaker.com/
  • SAlhir: RT @GuyKawasaki: How to be happy – interview with Tony Hsieh of @zappos http://om.ly/mmnb #entarch #bizarch #csr
  • thoughttrans: After the brainstorm: Church of the Customer Blog http://bit.ly/dzPRLW – the hard part is getting to execution #entarch
  • Cybersal: RT @gtdguy Your system is not your tech – it’s the nature of the content & the behavior w/which you engage with it.>> Applies to #entarch
  • kdierc: RT @mcgoverntheory: The biggest barrier to being open is a systemic and cultural aversion to failure. Openness required for sustained competitive advantage.#CIO

A brief discussion on enterprise-architecture triggered by Chris Potts:

  • chrisdpotts: Each of us is an enterprise-of-one. We participate in many other enterprises, large and small. #entarch <agree – is layered
  • chrisdpotts: @tetradian Participation in Enterprises: more networks than layers.
  • chrisdpotts: The full equation:  Architecture = Environment + Purpose + Themes + Self Expression + Shape + Structure + Spaces.  #IRMEAC
  • Cybersal: @chrisdpotts Yes, I think that there is some mileage in looking at PEA (Personal Enterprise Architecture) Also relates to PKM
  • chrisdpotts: @Cybersal As a former Information Architect, I see many subtypes of the object ‘Enterprise’, and a many-to-many between Enterprise & itself
  • chrisdpotts: @Cybersal The range of  “Enterprise” subtypes is expanding as new definitions are invented for specific methods/books/etc.
  • thoughttrans: @tetradian @cybersal @chrisdpotts Yes,PEA (personal EA) is imp.Orgs r made of many personals.aligning “whys” between biz & person helps all
  • taotwit: RT @mattdeacon: Great time at #IRMEAC last week! You can get my deck from here http://bit.ly/aaJ2NZ <mostly on cloud #itarch #entarch
  • chrisdpotts: An Enterprise’s shape: how it behaves at its boundaries. To an onlooker, some Enterprises have more coherent shapes than others. #entarch // In your #entarch design, does shape dictate structure, or vice-versa (game-changing decision!)?

Another brief discussion, starting from a very important blog-post by Cynthia Kurtz, the co-creator of Cynefin:

  • unorder: Cynthia Kurtz on her work with the Cynefin framework http://is.gd/cZD1Q <absolutely essential reading on #cynefin for #entarch!
  • adrianrcampbell: Interesting to consider whether the VPEC-T approach could be used to analyse the content of each Cynefin zone? #entarch
  • taotwit: @adrianrcampbell  have been playing  with Cynefin and VPEC-T for a while –  Cynefin areas seems to change the emphasis on V-P-E-C -T #vpect // maybe: simple = vPeCt: complex = VpEcT: complicated = vPECT: Chaotic = vpEct ? #vpect + #cynefin + #entarch
  • adrianrcampbell: Maybe we need a different #entarch development process for each of Simple, Complex, Complicated & Chaotic zones as well?

Knowledge-management, narrative-knowledge and in-person collaboration:

  • unorder: How to choose a good story for retelling http://j.mp/927ao4 #originsstory
  • SAlhir: Governance/oversight is not always due to a lack of trust but to foster alignment, etc. … // … to foster confidence by triangulating perspectives toward essential convergence rather than happenstantial divergence.
  • thoughttrans: RT @scottwambler Unless you’re a vampire you shouldn’t be afraid of stakeholders. 😉 >or execs…must show respect…no need to fear
  • CreatvEmergence: 1 of the Principles of Creative Emergence: It can’t be winged or faked – it has to be lived & embodied…authentically
  • joyce_hostyn: by @stevedenning Business as usual will kill yr org, rethink traditional command & control to survive http://bit.ly/ayHVvq
  • CreatvEmergence: Navigating the Unknown: 7 Reflection Tools – http://bit.ly/ajH4UV // The future belongs to those who partner with & co-create with the Unknown (not fear it, avoid it or try to control it)
  • CreatvEmergence: Collective Emergence Resources (on Semantic Integration Blog) http://bit.ly/bxC3U0 <useful overview-‘reader’/resources
  • ironick: Take this empathy test to see if you have enough to be a good design thinker: http://bit.ly/c8jvGE #designthinking
  • smbounds: Why art communities and patrons are very similar to knowledge workers and their clients http://bit.ly/bqIa1U #km #entarch
  • unorder: Just published a list of Story Laden Business Books – great for finding great stories to tell http://is.gd/d4dzI

Social-media, ‘Enterprise 2.0’ and on-line collaboration:

  • hebsgaard: Jim McGee: Managing the visibility of knowledge work #km http://tinyurl.com/36lx8ht <a real concern for #entarch #bizarch too
  • miket0181: RT @VenessaMiemis: holy. want. #junto http://knowledgecartography.org/ <wow… live contextual knowledge visualisation…
  • joyce_hostyn: 7 reasons to base design on real content (death to lorem ipsum). “Great interfaces are written.” via @jeffparks http://bit.ly/9qNwYM
  • oscarberg: #e20 principles & tech can be applied to both highly structured repetitive work (processes) & knowledge work with emergent structure // We should not make #e20 be about process vs culture. It’s about improving businesses – where culture always is key <perhaps applies even more to #entarch
  • oscarberg: I believe the most potential of #e20 is in improving knowledge work – which by nature is collaborative with emergent structure // If you focus on more or less structured work when applying #e20 is just a matter of purpose. There is no contradiction. // Businesses that don’t get importance of culture typically think more control => improved productivity & quality #fail

IT-architecture and IT-related matters in general:

  • jdevoo: Very cool stuff: Pachube presentation at Internet of Things Europe 2010 http://bit.ly/cRHaVn <something to watch for the future #itarch #entarch
  • taotwit: EAC London presentation: Simple Business Event Processing http://bit.ly/cU3tcf #sbep #vpect <insightful #itarch #entarch
  • BillIves: RT @skemsley: Wow: Live map of London Underground trains http://j.mp/bHmbwa > very cool
  • 5Di: Here’s what Simplified Business Event Processing looks like in action: http://bit.ly/a9lHKB no CEP required! #sbep <points to real-time map of location of trains on London Underground
  • toddbiske: RT @atmanes: #cat10 @richwatson If your app isn’t designed to scale in-house, it won’t scale any better in the cloud. Redesign required for parallelism #itarch
  • basvg: RT @rkroese: RT @itworks: Very interesting one-hour webcasts about ArchiMate, EA modelling, The Open Group, TOGAF, … http://bit.ly/9w7Mye
  • trevorsnaith: Creating context between BPM and EA http://lnkd.in/wNwhuk – useful post by @nickmalik #entarch #bpm

Society, culture, business social responsibility and similar broad-issue themes:

  • davidcushman: Some facts about BP: 40% US owned. More US employees than UK. Nothing to do with the Queen. No, really. #shootingatyourownfeet <nice to see some realism amidst all the inane anti-BP hype… most of the attacks so blatantly glad to have some ‘foreigner’ to blame for the US’ own policies and behaviours…
  • SAlhir: RT @VenessaMiemis: video: Rise of Collaborative Consumption http://bit.ly/aQl9HE via @rachelbotsman <implications for #entarch?
  • simonbrown: RT @wearewebreality: The value of boredom, or Why I Returned my iPad: http://bit.ly/9Zv4y7 <boredom as a key source of innovation – good points indeed (though ‘ouch…’, because I’d just bought an iPad… 🙂 )
  • BillIves: IBM Study: Millennials & New Corp Leaders – Soc Responsibility Essential http://bit.ly/bKqtCT via @tomforemski @johnjambrose #csr #entarch
  • enterprisearchs: RT @HarvardBiz: Four Economic Benchmarks We Need Now http://s.hbr.org/bdgkA7 <Umair Haque: radical rethink required on macroeconomics, with major implications for #entarch
  • jdevoo: Publications by Liz Cox of New Economics Foundation http://bit.ly/9N2aKY #transitionculture

And, without fail, the much-loved miscellany:

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