Pre-emptive defence

I’m about to embark on a shift in direction or emphasis, to much more of what I’ve previously described as Really-Big-Picture Enterprise-Architecture (RBPEA), applying enterprise-architecture/systems-thinking principles and practices to concerns at much larger scopes and scales – all the way up to an entire planet, and sometimes beyond.

Much of what I write from now on will be experienced by many people as extremely challenging, or worse. All of it it will be, as before, based on disciplined use of proven tools and techniques, speaking truth to dysfunctional ‘power’, but a lot of people will not like it, at all.

Hence I expect to be attacked, often, in often covert yet extremely violent and abusive ways. It’s not something I look forward to at all, yet someone has to do this, and for these specific topics it looks like that ‘someone’ is going to have to be me. Oh well.

Since some of those attacks may include hacking my systems for the purpose of placing false ‘evidence’, a few pre-emptive notes – ‘just for the record’, so to speak:

— I do not espouse or promote abuse or violence, in any form, from anyone, to anyone. If any such material is found on my systems, someone else will have put it there.

— I do not espouse or promote terrorism, in any form, or in any context. If any such material is found on my systems, someone else will have put it there.

— I do not view or access erotica or pornography, in any form whatsoever. If any such material is found on my systems, someone else will have put it there.

— I do not indulge in illegal downloads. If any such material is found on my systems, someone else will have put it there.

— I do not indulge in illegal drugs or similar substances. If any such material is found on my premises or amidst my effects, someone else will have put it there.

If anyone is willing and interested in doing an audit of those assertions, before my systems and premises are hacked, please let me know.

Thanks in advance, anyway.

2 Comments on “Pre-emptive defence

  1. RE “applying enterprise-architecture/systems-thinking principles and practices to concerns at much larger scopes and scales – all the way up to an entire planet, and sometimes beyond.” – It sounds VERY interesting. Waiting for your posts!


  2. Look forward to your postings on this, Tom. I have found that the principles and practices of EA can be applied to any enterprise. As we conceive of an enterprise-as-system, so we are able to conceive of its architecture. Hence, the commonality that occurs in capability development between EA, industry and economic development, and development activities such as those undertaken by UN or World Bank. To that extent, I have successfully used EA principles and practices in considering systems such as a region, a state, a nation, an industry, a national capability (eg. its innovation system).

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