Podcasts and videocasts – any requests?
Just a quick question – or request for priorities, perhaps.
I’m at last getting my act together on doing podcasts and videocasts around my existing and future materials.
The podcasts will probably be two to five minutes long, on any appropriate topic that anyone might need in my overall subject-areas – big-picture change, business-transformation, strategy and tactics, straightforward ‘how-to’ and that kind of stuff.
The videocasts will, at first, take the form of active voice-overs for my existing slidedecks – with all of the transitions in place, which we can’t do in PDF or the simplified format on Slideshare.
(Later on I want to do a more in-person form, with video insert into the picture – but I’ll first need to learn green-screen for that. One step at a time, methinks…)
Once I’ve had a bit more practice, I’ll also aim to do proper short-videos or vodcasts – again, typically two to five minutes long, covering any topic that’s in my overall range.
So, here’s the question: any requests?
Anything you’d like me to do first? – or at least early on in the podcasts? Any idea you’d like me to develop or explain in a brief Soundcloud item?
Any slidedeck that you want me to a YouTube voice-over videocast version for? (Take a look at my current slidedecks on Slideshare – tell me which ones you’d me to pick first.)
Over to you, if you would? Any suggestions, please?
Just Do It! Because nothing gets done without the first step!
Your poke in the ribs colleague!