Setting up for ebooks on EA blogs
I’m currently sifting through my past blog-posts of the past five years or so, with a view to republishing some of them in ebook-format, to make them more accessible in a more convenient and more portable form.
So far there are well over 400 blog-posts here on enterprise-architecture and related themes, plus a few more on the companion Sidewise weblog. That’s a lot of material – probably somewhere upward of half a million words, with literally hundreds of diagrams as well. Kinda big, even in EPUB format, and not easy to navigate in one go, given that that the various themes have been weaving through each other in different forms and with different emphases over the years.
So the idea at present is to publish them in the form of small anthologies, each of perhaps 15-30 related posts that focus on a single theme at a time. Some posts might appear in more than one anthology, but that probably won’t matter too much, I hope? – especially as keeping it simple will keep the costs right down, to perhaps $2.00-3.00 (£1.50-2.00) each.
Themes for the first few anthologies would include:
- the Enterprise Canvas set, including the simplified notation for Enterprise Canvas
- rethinking Zachman and the TOGAF ADM for whole-enterprise use
- foresight, futures and ‘really-big-picture’ enterprise-architecture
- the human side of enterprise-architecture, including management-structures and tacit-knowledge
- narrative and story in enterprise-architecture
- business-architecture and enterprise-architecture (including ‘translation’ between Business Model Canvas and enterprise-architecture notations such as Archimate and Enterprise Canvas)
- taxonomy, ontology, (meta)metamodels and toolsets for enterprise-architecture
- sensemaking with context-space mapping and SCAN
These should start to appear on Amazon and elsewhere in the next few weeks – I’ll post more details here as they become available, of course.
Any other requests for ebook anthologies? Any comments about pricing, formats, availability or anything else? Over to you, if you would?
Many thanks, anyway.
Great idea. I vote for the Kindle format.
Many thanks, Eric: will get moving on this.
Any vote for which anthology or theme you’d like to see first?