Enterprise Canvas ebook is now available
Following on from the SCAN ebook, the next in the new series of ‘Tetradian Weblogs’ ebooks now hits the virtual streets – a selection of blog-posts on the Enterprise Canvas notation and model-type:
Recommended price is US$14.99, but as with all Leanpub books, you choose what price you want to pay. The price includes the full bundle of file-formats:
- MOBI for Kindle
- EPUB for iPad and other readers
- PDF for general use
Buying the ebook also gets you free access to all future updates – of which there will probably be several, to incorporate new blogposts on Enterprise Canvas as time goes by.
If you don’t want the full set of articles, you can download a free Sample version instead from the Leanpub page. The sampler includes the key blog-posts that introduce Enterprise Canvas and describe its basic use for service-oriented enterprise-modelling.
Next ebook off the ramp will probably be a collection of posts either on toolsets and metamodels, or on the RBPEA (Really-Big-Picture Enterprise-Architecture) themes. Which of these would you prefer first? Or do you have different ebook-request? Let me know, anyway.
Once again, Share and Enjoy? 🙂
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