Architecture-videos schedule – January-March 2019
(Running a bit late with this one – apologies…)
For general reference, here’s the schedule for videos in my weekly ‘Tetradian on Architecture‘ series on YouTube, for 2019 first-quarter:
- Episode 49: ‘The usefulness of capability-maps‘ (published 03 January 2019)
- Episode 50: ‘More uses of capability-maps‘ (published 10 January 2019)
- Episode 51: ‘How to build a business glossary‘ (published 17 January 2019)
- Episode 52: ‘Architecting the shadows‘ (published 24 January 2019)
- Episode 53: ‘Agility needs a backbone‘ (published 31 January 2019)
- Episode 54: ‘Enterprise architecture as a way of life‘ (published 07 February 2019)
- Episode 55: ‘Enterprise architecture in motivating for change‘ (published 14 February 2019)
- Episode 56: ‘The Performance Paradox‘ (published 21 February 2019)
- Episode 57: ‘A question of fitness‘ (published 28 February 2019)
- Episode 58: ‘Employee as customer of HR‘ (published 07 March 2019)
- Episode 59: ‘Rethinking projects: Five Elements‘ (published 14 March 2019)
- Episode 60: ‘Rethinking projects: Antipatterns‘ (published 21 March 2019)
- Episode 61: ‘Rethinking projects: Explore versus exploit‘ (published 28 March 2019)
(Note that the future schedule may change if other topics become more urgent.)
All of these are brief (2-4mins) introductions to the respective topic, annotated as appropriate with text or graphics:
None of the videos should be particularly technical – the aim is that they’d be suitable to show to executives, newcomers and other non-technical audiences, to introduce them to key ideas and practices in enterprise-architecture and other related disciplines.
In most cases the description in the respective YouTube page will point to relevant posts in the archives on the Tetradian weblog, or slidedecks on Slideshare, to provide further detail and more-technical explanation. Where appropriate, there’ll also be a credit there to the person who suggested the topic for the video. I’ll also often republish on LinkedIn at least one of the support-articles for the respective week.
Note that subscribers to our Patreon crowdfunding get to see videos four weeks earlier than the dates shown above: for example, this week on Patreon the latest release will be Episode 45, ‘Checklists and complexity’. If you find these videos useful to you, please consider supporting us on Patreon.
Also note that later this month I’ll start a new YouTube playlist, provisionally titled ‘Tetradian on Tools For Change‘. This will focus on the practical, the ‘how-to’, for the various tools and techniques from the ‘toolkit inventory‘. Watch This Space for further details?
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